Business Magazine

You’re Already Using Data, You Just May Not Know It

Posted on the 13 September 2016 by Marketingtango @marketingtango
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  • September 13, 2016
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You’re Already Using Data, You Just May Not Know It

Maybe you don’t think you have the time or capacity to sort through Big Data and apply it to your integrated marketing efforts. The amount of available information can be overwhelming to small businesses and the investment may appear cost-prohibitive. But maybe you just need to think about it in different terms.

Your business probably already has some of the necessary tools to apply data in your marketing, without even realizing it.

Does your business use Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or YouTube? These popular free social platforms gather data from millions of customers every day. There are also cloud-based email services and web analytics that can provide business intelligence. These resources can help you understand what your customers want, where they are, and make smarter decisions on how to best reach them.

Here are a few tips adapted from Business News Daily that can help your small business use big data tools – some of which you may already have:

Keep Up With Current Tools

Businesses today no longer need to develop their own custom solutions to analyze customer data. Keeping up with current tech tools and CRM software will enable your company to stay smart and make stronger connections with your customers.

Track Marketing Results 

Monitor your integrated marketing efforts to determine which networks are producing the desired results. Then look at your customers’ purchasing behavior and see how it tracks with your campaign results. This will help you determine the optimum frequency to drive customer behavior and make your marketing even more effective. Google Analytics and Google Adwords can help you easily view the sources of referrals to your website and monitor the traffic patterns to see what drives leads.

Develop Stronger Customer Connections

There’s no excuse for broadcasting the same ol’ generic mass marketing messages anymore. Customers today expect to see messages that are relevant to their lifestyles and preferences. Use data to group your customers according to variables such as location, product purchases, spending habits, lifestyle and other niches. Data can help you tailor your integrated marketing messages so that your reaching the right person with the right message at just the right time.

Data is one of the key ways to build customer loyalty, whether through email, mobile, social, or your company website, and consequently drive sales and profits. Learn more about how your small business can mine returns from customer data visiting our big data archive.

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