The ones that you can’t fit into anymore and every time you clean out your closet you think about getting rid of them but you just cant. Because you really really liked them when they fit and you have some crazy hair-brained thought that you’ll fit into them again, but in the back of your mind you really know you never will. Back into the closet they go to see another cleaning day?
Well… today I’m wearing them!

And they aren’t too tight or anything.
Isn’t that just crazy? Last night I stepped on the scale and I weighted 160 pounds. My weight really hasn’t changed that much this month. But, I can tell that my body has changed. I think it’s really evened out and my weight loss isn’t just water weight anymore, it’s actual fat. My waist is smaller, my leg muscles are more lean, and my body has lost inches even though the pounds on the scale haven’t been dropping. Pretty cool, right?
I realized something today… I was so much more excited to slip into this mythical pair of jeans then I ever am when I see a dropped number on the scale. I did a weird jumpy happy dance and everything. I never do that when I step on the scale, even when the number is down. It’s these real things in life that are exciting. I get to sport these jeans all day. No one knows what the scale said this morning.
Max was out of town this weekend. He ran a 1/2 Marathon in Davis, CA (which is about 2.5 hrs north of us). He was really close to where some of his family lives in Benicia, CA so he decided to make it a weekend and visit them.
He stopped by my house on his way home to take me on a date.

I had a major hankerin’ for my most favorite salad so we went to BJ’s restaurant. I had a Long Island Iced Tea.
Then I chomped down my Seared Ahi Salad!!!

Holy love.
I swear, it’s the best salad in the history of the world.
Then we saw the new Spiderman Movie. Let me tell you, I went in a complete skeptic. I really liked the Toby McGwire version and after seeing it, the new one is so so so much better!
I had so many healthy guidelines checked off this morning before I even left for work! Love when that happens.

I fried 2 eggs in evoo and topped them with salt, pepper and dill.
I had a bowl of fresh blueberries topped in stevia.
I had 2 cups of coffee with flax milk inside.

- both servings of healthy fats—check
- 1st serving of fruit—check
- 1st serving of probiotic—check
- hot magic lemon water—check

Mhmm. I rocked it!
Do you have something that you keep even though you can’t fit into it?
Yes… I’m the worst at this. I have tons of stuff that used to fit but doesn’t.
What was the last fruit you ate?
Do you have any vacations coming up?
Yes. I’m going to Tahoe for the weekend. Leaving on Friday.
Would you wear one of those huge floppy hats at the beach?
I’m hoping y’all will tell me if it’s cool or not.