It's time for this week's WWW Wednesdays, hosted by Should Be Reading blog (head over and check them out!).
This link up asks three questions
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What are you currently reading?
- What do you think you'll be reading next?
What did you recently finish reading?

I started reading this book on Saturday morning. I finished it by dinner. Though I had a hard time watching Girls the first time I tried, reading this book was different. Something about experiencing awkward situations on the page rather than the screen made them easier to connect to, and more amusing. I found Lena's writing intimate, evocative and entertaining. I'll be posting my full review soon, but suffice it to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it, and am now in the middle of an epic Girls marathon.
What am I reading now?

I don't know why, but this seems to be the time for memoirs! I'm enjoying all three of these so far - particularly Neil Patrick Harris' choose-your-own-adventure style.
What will I be reading next?

I really doubt I'll actually read any of these next, but I suppose it's possible! At any rate, they're the ones that caught my eye when I glanced over at the closest towering piles of books to me!
What about you guys? Have you read any of these? What are you reading now? Share in the comments!