Self Expression Magazine

WWW. 25 Years On...

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
The internet is 25 years old and its creator Sir Tim Berners Lee has celebrated the day by releasing a video that sums up the internet and how we are heading in to the future.
In the statement he said the following:
“The Web’s billions of users are what have made it great,” said Berners-Lee. “I hope that many of them will join me today in celebrating this important milestone. I also hope this anniversary will spark a global conversation about our need to defend principles that have made the Web successful, and to unlock the Web’s untapped potential. I believe we can build a Web that truly is for everyone: one that is accessible to all, from any device, and one that empowers all of us to achieve our dignity, rights and potential as humans.”
The internet has allowed for some of the greatest advancements in recent history and is the corner stone for the future that will help to shape how we live our lives and how we use technology.
In my view I believe the future of the internet is only secure and can only grow as long as it is open to everyone and its users are protected in a fair and just manner which allows for freedom to express themselves and create new opportunities and advance the internet for future use and to make it better and more accessible to everyone.
The mass surveillance of internet users is a major problem as it has lead to many issues when it comes to a person right to privacy and the unlawful acts by many governments around the world and persecution of whistle blowers like Edward Snowden and wiki leaks who have helped to protect the users of the internet by alerting us all to the danger we face when we go online.
The future of the internet will need everyday users to become more informed and to help the development and funding of better encrypted services and open source software to help combat the spying that has tainted the internet over the past few years and with time the internet will grow and become something we might never imagine.
The Internet is a gift to the world and it is very hard to imagine a world without it as we would not have seen many of the events in past history.
Question of the day:
What does the internet mean to you?
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