Current Magazine

WWE Says It Will Cut Workforce By 7%

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Bloomberg reports that World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., which reported a quarterly loss today, says it will cut its workforce by 7%.

And the question on our minds is “What jobs can you possibly cut, WWE?” Does this mean a Royal Rumble or Battle Royal with 7 percent fewer wrestlers? Or that people called “managers,” who get paid to distract people for a few minutes might be managing an Arby’s in the future? 

3 Jobs We Wonder If The WWE Will Cut

1. Referees. Those guys never get anything right – who is with us on that? And who is with us that we might actually watch the WWE for the first time in years if robot referees are used?

2. Performance-enhancing-drug testers. We don’t know if this is an actual job in the WWE. But remember, if you are using a performance enhancing drug in the WWE, unlike other sports, that won’t approve your odds of winning the pre-determined match.

3. McMahon family members who get paid to perform. Yeah, thanks for inventing that, WWE. Now we have to watch the Trump and future Celebrity Apprentice loudmouth families copy your entertainment strategy.

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