Image by andrew steinmetz via Flickr
08/15/2011 – by Cynthia Wright
Over the weekend, the Pied Pier of R&B decided to grace the Bronzeville neighborhood with his presence by presiding over the back-to-school parade. This year marked the 82nd Bud Billiken Parade, which happens to be the oldest and biggest African-American parade in America.
Kim Janssen at the Sun-Times weighed in on the topic.
“A man who admits he cannot read and famously beat child-porn charges might not seem the most obvious honorary grand marshal of a children’s back-to-school parade.”
Even with that, Kelly appeared to be somewhat of a crowd favorite with his fans being thrilled to see him.
R. Kelly hasn’t really had the most “kid friendly” image, so it is quite shocking that he was tapped to be the grand marshal in the first place. R. Kelly, who has admitted that he’s not fully literate (stemming from his unstable upbringing) has been in trouble from his controversial marriage to Aaliyah and his alleged sex tape where Kelly was seen having sex with a minor. Not to mention, he did Trapped in the Closet – so, um…yeah – if that doesn’t give you a glimpse into his psyche not sure what will.