Books Magazine

Writer Interview #SundaySalon #wschat

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

logo for The Sunday SalonFor Sunday Salon this week, I’m participating in a blog hop hosted by Wordsmith Studio. It’s been three years since I joined with this wonderful group of writers during the April Platform Challenge in 2012. The group is celebrating with a blog hop this week, asking questions to get to know where we are as writers at this time.

Since this will be a text-intensive post. I’m throwing in a gratuitous goose photo that I took yesterday. I went to a travel photography workshop (more on that coming up on Saturday for Saturday Snapshot). After, I walked with another workshop participant and our cameras. This goose kept us entertained for quite a while.

Canada Goose

Canada Goose at Shaw Nature Reserve. Note how her left foot is tucked under her wing.

On to the questions from Wordsmith Studio:

1. Are you a WSSer (a member of Wordsmith)? If so, sound off about how long you’ve been a member, your favorite way to participate, or anything you’ve missed if you’ve been away. We’re not your mother/father… there will be no guilt about how long since your last call.

I’ve been there from the beginning. I blow hot and cold on my participation, but I enjoy the Facebook group and, occasionally, join the Tuesday night Twitter chats.

2. What medium do you work in? For our writing folks, are you currently working on fiction, poetry or nonfiction, or a combination? Anyone YA or mystery or thriller or…?

Blog posts! Also, memoir and fiction (the latter mostly in November for NaNoWriMo).

3. What’s the name of your current project (ok multitaskers, give us your main one)?

TRD. It’s too early to share more than the initials!

4. What is your favorite detail, sentence or other bit you’ve written lately?

Did anyone else like “gratuitous goose?” It made me smile.

5. Any obstacles or I-hate-this-chapter moments?

Allergies! I haven’t written a word on my project in three weeks. My motivation dries up and I spend my time doing anything that feels productive but isn’t writing. It’s been good for the Verbal to Visual on-line class that I’ve been taking, but not good at all for my writing. Come to think of it, I probably did so well on the April Platform Challenge in 2012 while avoiding work on this same project.

6. What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned lately from your writing?

It doesn’t get done if I don’t do it. Sigh.

7. In what ways do you hope to grow in the next 6 months/year?

It would be really great if I could invent a work pattern that doesn’t get disrupted by allergies, jet lag, or other sources of malaise. I keep inventing patterns that work — until they don’t.

8. In what ways do writing friends and communities help you do that?

Examples and models help!

9. What else should we have asked you, or what would you ask other writers?

How do you get yourself to write through the blah times?

Signature of Joy Weese Moll

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