Books Magazine

Write at Home: Coral Russell is Standing Up

By Theindieexchange @indieexchange

standing deskI’ve recently started working again. Not writing as usual but other work that still involves a lot of time on the computer. I love my laptop and the portability of it, wouldn’t ever go back to a PC, but that also means I don’t have a desk. I’ve been watching those dastardly morning shows and it seems they’re always filled with the latest way to get healthy, live longer, be gorgeous.

They were harping on the bad effects of sitting down for long periods of time. Finally, they showcased an idea that I could use – work standing up.

I had a disk pop in my neck for no good reason and I found the only two positions where I wasn’t in pain was standing up and lying down. The surgery did wonders but I still have problems and to be blunt my butt was hurting from sitting down so much. When I talked to my husband he just said, “Take breaks.” Oh no, little man. He did not understand that in the throws of a great idea one cannot just, ‘take a break’.

I bugged my mom to let me use her treadmill that was not being used in her garage, but that would require moving it in a truck I don’t have. Then I remembered there were shelves in the storage shed. It was perfect. I even have a timer so I stand up for twenty minutes and sit down for ten. Whatdaya think? Would something like this work for you?


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