Enzo Angiolini shoes / c/o FashionMia jacket / jewelry: Brazilian goldI like to walk long distances. I spend time in my head, mulling things over when I walk. That’s the real reason I like to walk long distances. When something is taking too much space on my mind I take a walk and by the time I am back I tend to have a clearer view of my troubling thoughts or at least a settled mind. Sometimes, I write a story and have brain conversations when I’m walking. I smile, I laugh, I get angry or give shy laughs depending what memory or thought plays on my mind when I walk. Walking boosts my moods. Sometimes, I forget to walk for long stretches of time and I get cranky and moody. This lovely pinstripe jacket from Fashionmia reminds me to take a walk. I love that it’s light weight enough to move in the breeze. The zip lets me do it up if the air becomes too chilly as I walk.I paired it with a simple black high waist lycra skirt and a pair of modest heeled shoes for work.What do you do to pump up your mood when you’re moody?