Family Magazine

Wordless Wednesday – a Collection

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Wordless Wednesday – a collection

It’s hard to declutter and rid your life of excess when you like to collect things.

I like to collect this Blue Elephant patterned china made by Wedgwood. Sigh.

I still remember my first piece – the playing card box – on super-sellout price at Myer because the cards had gone missing and the pattern was being discontinued soon. I tracked down 2 unopened sets of the matching playing cards and then I was hooked. Many years and much Ebay trawling later, piece by piece my collection has slowly grown. As keen as I am to clear our home of unnecessary space-suckers this lot just has to stay. Maybe I’m too sentimental today?

What do you collect that you couldn’t bring yourself to part with?

Linking up for another Wordless Wednesday with Trish over at her lovely blog

My Little Drummer Boys

and with Bree’s Wordless Wednesday linky-get-together on her super blog

Wordless Wednesday – a collection

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