Parenting Magazine

Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors

By Parentingsmh @parentingsmh
I know its summer and all and that means well, its time to get outside and enjoy the sun.
have you felt the sun the last few days?
It's unforgiving.
I mean, its great if you like sweating while standing in one place, or feeling your moles burn, and my personal favorite, feeling your eyes sweat.
It was so hot one day I threatened to sue Clueless Dad for the intense heat I felt from the leather seats in his car.  So, if you're like me and prefer the cool and steady draft of the all powerful A/C, here's a few things you can do to escape the worst the summer has to offer:
1. Build a fort.  Why not?  Forts are cool and special.  What's better than being stuck in the house and then closing yourself up in an even smaller space.  Makes great sense to me.
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors
2. Have a good cry.  Yes.  I said it and it's okay if you need to.  I get it.  You're bored and it's just plain bothersome.  Oh, not boredom. You got left out of the fort.  Now, that is a reason to cry.
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors
3. Take up nest building.  You'll never be as good as the birds but it keeps you occupied and takes your mind off of the fort.
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors
3. Practice your runway strut.  Let's face it, your family thinks you're cute, but the world is tough and you've got to get your game tight in order to make it big.
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors  
4.  Phew! You've got to be working up quite an appetite.  Settle down and invite a friend over for lunch.  
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors
5. Okay.  Back to work.  We all know looks fade, so you have to develop a skill.  Taking up a musical instrument is always a great go to and  it looks awesome on those college applications.
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors
6. C.R.E.A.M.  - For my non WuTang fans - Cash Rules Everything Around Me.  Gotta make that paper.  Look, I believe in paying my own way and I intend to instill the same values in my boys.  So, in his spare time he has a part time job as a valet.
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors
7. Read a good book.  Reading is fundamental.  Need I say more?
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors
8. Take up decorating. So I'll admit I'm not the best homemaker.  I can't be.  It's just impossible while these boys have no respect for personal property.  I try with what I've got, however, it seems he doesn't approve of my furniture placement.
Wordful Wednesday - 8 Things Your Kids Can Do When Stuck Indoors
I know my kid isn't the only entertainment going these days.  I want to hear from you.   What do your kids do when they're bored or stuck in the house?
For more Wordful/Wordless Wednesday check out Parenting By Dummies and 7Clown Circus

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