Attention Beauty Lovers! Since getting married, I have been loving to cook. My husband is Indian so we have been cooking lots of Indian dishes with rice. They are so yummy. I am always down for new cooking devices that make cooking easier. Wonderbag is an awesome new way of slow cooking food. Keep reading to find out more about this cool device. Do you like to cook? What are some of your favorite cooking devices/recipes? Share them with me in the comments below!
What Is The Wonderbag?
Disclaimer: I was sent this product for review. These are my honest thoughts & opinions. I did not receive any compensation, just the product to try. This page may contain affiliate links for your convenience.CLICK HERE to read my full disclosure.
The Wonderbag isn’t just an ingenious cooking innovation, it is a catalyst for change. The South African invention, one of gifts Meghan and Harry received for their wedding, is saving lives from smoke inhalation, combating deforestation, providing time women to work and for children to go to school and decreasing the incidents of rape (82% of rapes happen while women and girls are gathering firewood). Wonderbag has also proven to be an unrivaled economic stimulant. In rural African communities the intervention of a Wonderbag can help a family go from 20 cents a day income to $2 a day.
The Wonderbag is a catalyst for change around the world. Entrepreneur, activist and innovator Sarah Collins took an age-old cooking technology, that of simple heat retention, and reinvented it into a modern-day, life-changing, sought-after kitchen accessory, found in both the poorest and most affluent of homes around the globe. Sarah’s invention, and her continued work with foundations, aid agencies and business allies has cemented her reputation as a leader in alleviating time poverty and providing safety and entrepreneurial opportunities for women around the world.
Some Reasons Why Wonderbag Is The Ultimate Gift That Gives Back
Why have Bill Gates, Paul Polmon, Kathy Calvin, Mohammed Yunus, Etharin Cousins, Mark Rutte and Jane Goodall seen this innovation as a humanitarian game changer with global appeal?
- The Wonderbag is a simple but revolutionary heat retention slow-cooker, which continues to cook food, which has been brought to the boil by fire, cook stoves or any conventional method, for up to 12 hours without the use of any additional fuel source. The South African invention is saving lives from smoke inhalation, combating deforestation, providing time women to work and for children to go to school and decreasing the incidents of rape (82% of rapes happen while women and girls are gathering firewood).
- Wonderbag is an economic catalyst. In rural African communities the intervention of a Wonderbag can help a family go from 20 cents a day income to $2 a day.
- Over 4 billion people eat from an open fire everyday causing 4 million people to die each year from illness caused by indoor air pollution-related diseases. 50% of deaths from pneumonia of children under 5 are caused by breathing particulates from household air pollution.
- Wonderbag is a powerful change agent for the Climate. A single Wonderbag, when used for one year can: Reduce carbon emissions by 1 Ton. Reduce deforestation, save 1.7 trees. Conserve 1,000 litres of cooking water. Reduce indoor air pollution by 60%. Reduce time poverty, giving back 1,465 hours per year.
- Wonderbag was accredited by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Rwanda. Wonderbag has harvested and issued over 1million tons of Carbon Credits since 2008 as POA-CDM and VCE projects.
- Wonderbag has been utilized in refugee and humanitarian interventions in the Middle East since 2012. This year Wonderbag launched a partnership with The Red Cross. Wonderbag has launched and monitored the impacts of Wonderbag Activations in the Mahama refugee settlement in Rwanda and in the BidiBidi Refugee settlement in Uganda (the largest refugee settlement in the world) as part of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s Green Energy program.
My Experience With The Wonderbag
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I loved trying this new cooking device. For Thanksgiving, I made a pumpkin spiced white hot chocolate to take to my grandparents. I brought the ingredients to a boil and then added the pot to the Wonderbag. It worked so well and kept my drink hot all the way to my grandparents’ house.
The Wonderbag was so easy to set up and use and it REALLY WORKS! I am going to try cooking rice next inside the Wonderbag. They have an awesome Pinterest Board with tons of recipes that I can’t wait to try!
What do you think of the Wonderbag? Are you going to try one for yourself. If you do, I would love to see pictures of the recipes you create. Share them with me in the comments below!