Yes, you read that right, Elizabeth Taylor. Gorgeous, stunning, seductive Elizabeth Taylor. Judy Garland was told she was unattractive by film executives, Kat Dennings was told to lose weight by casting directors, and numerous celebrity women have spoken out courageously about their eating disorders. If these stunning actresses have problems with weight and beauty, what does that mean for the rest of us average women? Not only that, what does that mean for our poor impressionable, awkward, emotional, and breakable teenage girls? I'm happy to see women speaking out about eating disorders and even the celebrities that never had an eating disorder still have a story to tell about being self-conscious about their weight. Women think about weight as much as men think about sex. Imagine that number for just a second! There are plus sized models, and they are more commonly used on the runway than in the past, but who is this person who dictates what is plus sized? I have seen these so called plus sized models and maybe it's because they are almost six feet tall and I'm only 5'2", but never in my life would I call them plus sized. Men are not at fault either in my opinion. When all you do is stare at Maxim, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and Playboy all day, I just can't blame them. They are programmed as much as women are. Women are programmed to think that they need to look like that in order to get a man, and men are programmed that they need a woman like that to be cool or looked up to. Advertisements, movies, music videos, video games, it doesn't matter where people look, it all gives the same message: beauty is everything. Why have money when you could just be beautiful? Women use it to their advantage all of the time, and even though the men hate to admit it, they eat that shit up like a bacon double cheeseburger. There are secrets though that men and women don't think of. Photoshopping, airbrushing, plastic surgery (if done right can mostly go undetected). There is so much pressure being put on women, a man truly would never understand. If she's too pretty then THAT'S why she received a job or promotion, don't mind the fact she has a Business Degree from Harvard. If she is upset about something, she's emotional or a basket case, don't mind the fact that her grandmother just passed away. If she's a go-getter, she's pushy. If she's a boss that wants results, she's a bitch. If she's the one that makes the move on the guy it can go either one of two ways: she's desperate or she's a slut. I can sit here and make lists all night on how hard it is to be a woman and some may roll their eyes. Yes, I am a woman so of course I'm writing about this, correct? You have to learn how to live in a man's world, without coming off as a hanger-on. You have to be liked, but not too much or people may talk. It's all about balance and it's a difficult task, especially if a woman is a wife and a mother to boot. But I digress. Women and weight obsessiveness go hand in hand, even Mad Men addressed it with Betty Draper going to weight watchers. (I told you I am a big Mad Men fan). Obsessing over weight and beauty is like breathing to women. I would like to tell you that one day it's going to stop, that it will all end, but honestly I just think it's getting worse with each passing year. I fear for when I have a little girl. I fear that I won't adequately let her know that she is the most beautiful thing JUST how she is. I just hope that raising her right will give her the self-esteem she needs to know she is a beautiful, wonderful, unique human being. Peace, love, and butterflies....Follow me on twitter @buttrfly7740
I've attached some before and after photoshopped pictures, feel free to comment on which one you like better: the before or after.![Women aren't crazy, they were made this way Women aren't crazy, they were made this way](
![Women aren't crazy, they were made this way Women aren't crazy, they were made this way](
![Women aren't crazy, they were made this way Women aren't crazy, they were made this way](
![Women aren't crazy, they were made this way Women aren't crazy, they were made this way](