Family Magazine

Winter Activities For The Little Ones!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
Winter Activities For The little Ones!
Hello! When it's cold and miserable outside, you probably just wanna stay in and do absolutely nothing for the day, myself included. But when you have little ones you then have the joyous job of finding things to do that will a) be fun and b) keep them worn out for bedtime!  The truth is, kids don't care what the weather is doing, whether it's brilliant sunshine, pouring with rain or knee deep in snow, they'll more than likely want to be outside anyway! So below I have come up with some ideas to keep them busy and to keep yourself sane, come rain or shine, there's always so much you can do, whatever age!  Get Baking What better way to warm up and feel cosy than with a spot of baking! Whether you're a budding chef or just a beginner, there are thousands upon thousands of recipes online you'll be able to follow, whether you like fairy cakes, muffins, granola bars or even bread, the little ones will love getting involved and mixing the ingredients together, and they get the most important job of all...licking the bowl! Below I have added some of my current pinned or bookmarked recipes ready to try over the next few months! Yummy! Peanut Butter Snack Bars Lemon Biscuits Oatmeal Bars Healthy Smoothies Banana & Chocolate "Ice Cream"
Winter Activities For The little Ones!
Go For A Walk This is the thing we do with Abbie, pretty much every single day we go out in a little adventure, even if it's just to the local park, the fresh air does everyone the world of good and she loves being outdoors! You could create a list of things for them to find on their adventure e.g. Pinecone, conker, daisy, mushrooms! This will give them something to aim for keep them occupied and involved, before they have time to complain about their legs hurting you would've finished your walk! If they're a little older, say 4+, maybe give them a disposable camera and let them take pictures of their finds too! If it's been a particularly wet night or morning, make a big thing out of jumping in all the puddles too, my god do kids LOVE this, as long as they're dressed in some kind of waterproof clothing and their wellies, they're good to go! they will stay dry but also wear themselves out too! Scrap booking Using the point above too, collect bits and bobs from around the walk to add to their very own scrapbook, leaves, sticks and then develop all the photos they have taken and let them get creative! Colourful pens, glitter, glue, paint! The messier the better! You could even give the book a name, like Our Little Adventure..It's a great thing to keep for memories and they'll get super excited to get started! This is where disposable cameras come in too, let them choose their favorite photos to add to the book and allow them to decorate it however they wish, I cannot wait to do this with Abbie this year!  Why not make one for yourself too?

Winter Activities For The little Ones!


Create a den! Hands up who has done this in their childhood (waves hand high in the air!) It was so much fun creating your own "secret" hideaway using whatever you have in your house, sheets, towels, pillows, duvets, you name it! Tying one end of a blanket to your bed and stretching it over to the wardrobe and tying it around the handle! Ahhh the memories! Let them be inventive, whilst giving them pointers and little ideas too, it doesn't have to look pretty or neat, if your child likes it, mission accomplished! You could even use fairy lights for extra decoration! Oh and don't be surprised if they want to sleep in there for the next few weeks either! :) Camp! Try setting up your own campsite in the garden, pitch the tent, get some snuggly blankets and pillows, some lanterns, books and teddies and yummy snacks and there you have it! Tell stories to them or create your own stories together, have some hot chocolates with marshmallows and enjoy the cosyness! Or if they're at the age of being "too cool" doing it with mommy and daddy, get them to choose a friend or two to come over and join in, it doesn't mean they have to stay out there all night though ha, but they can come in and go to bed watching a movie or something!

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