Food & Drink Magazine

Wine of the Week: Barking Sheep Malbec

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Wine of the Week: Barking Sheep Malbec

Finally, I get a chance to post my wine of the week. Well… the wine of last week. Since I didn’t post over the weekend I’ve been playing catch up in blog-land.

First, thanks to Alysia over at Slim Sanity for hosting WOW. She’s awesome. So here’s how it works, each week you try a wine. It can be a wine you already love or one that you randomly picked up at a discount store.

Take lots of pictures then write a little post about how you liked it or what you hated about it, what the flavors were like etc. Then go over to Slim Sanity and grab the Wine of the Week button to include in your post.

Alysia does her Wine of the Week post every Friday. I don’t normally do my posts on Friday but I go search for her most recent Wine of the Week post and link my published post up to hers. It’s so much fun and I‘m actually developing a little bit of a wine palate in the process.


This week I tried Barking Sheep Malbec 2009. It’s from Argentina and Max and I both really really liked it.

This is what a reviewer said about it:

This is an attention-grabbing Big Wine with giant luscious black fruit. For a New World wine, it retains its structure. The finish of French vanilla renders an unavoidable roundness, which is struck with black pepper leading to a pleasurable wine for drinking on its own or that can be paired with your next Big Steak dinner.
Read more:


So here’s the barking sheep story…

My Mom and I frequent our Grocery Outlet. It’s a discount grocery store that get’s it’s stock from over orders from the big markets in the area. It’s really fun because  you never know what they’re going to have on the shelves and you can get everything discounted. Gotta check those expiration dates though.

Anyways I saw this wine and I was sold… Barking Sheep!!! Plus it was a red that I’d never tried and I loved that it was from Argentina.


Max and I thought the barking sheep looked kinda like it was coughing… I definitely tasted the black pepper and the vanilla in this wine. I liked how ‘thick’ the malbec tastes. The flavors feel so much more intense and full than in a pino noir.


This discount bottle of wine was $3 (originally $18) dollars and we’re sold. If we could get it again we would.

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