We all know that a little bit of wine is good for your heart, but studies show now that it can good for your skin. As if I need anymore reasons to love vino. A new study from the University of Barcelona shows that wine can help prevent sun-damage, skin related aging, and even skin cancer caused by sun exposure!

Scientists at the University of Barcelona and the Spanish National Research Council found that flavonoids, a substance present in grapes, can prevent the chemical response that kills cells when UV rays hit the skin.
“This study supports the idea of using these products to protect the skin from cell damage and death caused by solar radiation, as well as increasing our understanding of the mechanism by which they act,” Marta Cascante, director of the research project, told the Telegraph. The results for the study, which were published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, could be used to develop skin creams and lotions geared toward protecting the skin from sun damage.
Until these creams and lotions are released, I’ll do my part in supporting this study. For science.
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