First things first- how in the world did I end up living in France?…Don’t know how it happened really, but it had something to do with marrying a French man and, in the words of Edith Piaf, “Noooonn je ne regrette rien.” Tonight, said French guy and I went to a nearby wine bar/restaurant called Auberge du Pere Monnet in La Roche de Glun, France, where we were welcomed with good service and lots of smiles. We were both also pleasantly surprised by the number of never-ending customers passing through the front door. You see, the other times we’ve gone, it was during the week and we’ve been recipients of smiles and good service, but I thought it was because we were only a couple of the few customers. Little did I know. (.. or did I ? It was my suggestion) that Friday night would be as bustling.

It was my first ever experience of being completely blown away by a biodynamic wine. The simplest way to qualify this glass of wine is as unforgettable- even after two subsequent glasses of different wines (and varietals.)
Returning to my first question – What? You thought it was rhetorical??- the best explanation to how I ended up in France……it was love, or wine, or the both, it seems.