Lifestyle Magazine

Win! Wedding Cupcakes — the Book

By Claire

Morn­ing every­one! Com­pe­ti­tion time to brighten your Tues­day — who’d like to win my very own copy of Wed­ding Cup­cakes by Joanna Far­row? It’s up for grabs, all you need to do is answer a very sim­ple ques­tion and a win­ner will be picked at ran­dom next week.

wedding cupcakes book by joanna farrow

Win my copy of Wed­ding Cup­cakes — the book by Joanna Farrow

Despite my mis­ad­ven­tures from the day I killed wed­ding cup­cakes, this book comes highly rec­om­mended for any cou­ple con­sid­er­ing DIY cup­cakes for their wed­ding. There might be a tiny bit of icing sugar on the pages (not much; I ate most of it) but there’s no gin on there, I promise


To win your copy, answer this sim­ple ques­tion in the com­ments form below. A win­ner will be picked from the cor­rect answers at ran­dom. You must pro­vide a valid email address and check it next week to see if you’ve won!

Win Wed­ding Cup­cakes by Joanna Farrow

Which of these are you most likely to find at a wedding?

a) wed­ding cup­cakes
b) fairies with hats on
c) sheep

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