Hey guys. Such nice comments about my last post. I was really nervous to write about my Mom’s new cancer diagnosis. I don’t know, maybe writing about it made it feel just a little bit more real. Every time I tell someone it all sinks in a little more. Luckily, she finally has an appointment with an oncologist in town, her doctor up until this point has been about an hour’s drive away. Hopefully she’ll be able to start treatment soon. Maybe it’s just me, but waiting and not feeling like we’re doing anything proactive is really hard.
So I have a little bit of bad news. Max’s grandpa Walt died on Monday evening.

Walt really was one wild dude! I remember the first time I met him, almost 8 years ago. He hid a remote controlled fart toot-machine in the sofa that I was sitting on. It was hysterical.
Grieving is so hard. Max and his family are doing really well considering how difficult it is to loose someone you love. My Mom reminded me how grieving just shows how much you loved someone. If you didn’t truly love them and care about them. You wont grieve. Walt was so so loved. I’m happy to have known him and more so happy to have loved him.

On our way to Benicia yesterday to joint the family, Max and I remembered how much Walt loved mimosas. In fact I think the few mimosas I’ve had in my life have all been with Walt. So we found a breakfast joint that served mimosas and we did a cheers to Walt.
Kinda a fun little celebration of his life.
Work has been amazing through this. They even gave me today off in addition to yesterday. I was SO not expecting that. Tonight I was scheduled to work from 6-10pm. That would leave Max at home all evening. Such a bad time to be alone. I can’t believe I lucked into such a wonderful job.
This morning for breakfast I had a grande caramel frap from the S’Bucks.
Talk about a strange craving! But it was ohhhh-sooooo-goodddddd!

I figured I’d chase my breakfast with a healthy snack so I made a Mean Green Juice in our juicer!
Here’s the recipe:
- 1 cucumber, with the skin on
- 8 kale leaves, including the stems
- 2 green apples
- 1″ knob of ginger
- 1/2 a peeled lemon
- 4 celery stalks

Please excuse the iPhone blur…
I love how this huge pile of produce makes one glass of juice. This juice was a little extra lemony which I can’t decide if I liked better or not.

Ohh so greeeeeen!
Just a warning the kale does NOT smell good after it’s been juiced.
For lunch…
A few nights ago Max and I made spaghetti with meat sauce. Max had a genius idea and bought the lean turkey that’s been Italian seasoned already. I promise you, we are never putting plain old ground turkey in our sauce again. It was so so good.

I heated up a serving (1/2 cup) of the meat sauce then I roasted half a bunch of these skinny asparagus with salt and pepper. Such a filling lunch. And boy was it tasty.
Since, I’m not getting into work today I’m planning on taking Donner on a walk or two and doing some walking on my own to get my 10,000 steps today. I’m feeling super duper motivated because I met my goal last week! I got all my steps and I even lost a pound!! Too cool for school, yo!!!