But who would play with Isaac?"
Wide-Awake Hedgehog by Rosie Wellesley is a perfect book to snuggle up under a blanket on the sofa on a windy autumn day. All of Isaac's friends wants to hibernate but Isaac is wide awake and he wants to play - just like many children he is not sleepy. After a while, Isaac finds an invisible friend to play with - the North Wind
inspired by this book you may go out and embrace autumn, and to find that this season is really quite enjoyable. Play with the leaves, listen to the North Wind that makes the trees dance.
A lovely character and wonderful illustration. A celebration of autumn colours in rich golds, reds and browns.
Even though I like the autumn colour the best page is the spread with a wonderful soft blue sky where the North Wind plays and paints with the clouds above Isaac and a warm red apple. This page reminds me that soon Winter will come and then Spring. . .
A perfect book to start to talk about why animals hibernate.