How long have you been married? One year? Ten years? Thirty years? It doesn’t matter how it’s been since you said your vows; what matters is how much your relationship has changed since then. It’s okay to admit if you’ve gotten into a rut or if that spark has died down. Just about every married couple experiences feelings of monotony in their home after a while. Rather than accept it, you can try to rekindle the feelings you used to have. If you make an effort to spice up your marriage, things can change for the better. To do it, you have to start dating your spouse again.
Revisiting Days of Long Ago
Do you remember what it felt like when you and your spouse were dating? You were so very in love, and you were just realizing that you wanted to spend the rest of your lives with each other. Everything was exciting and new, and you were both so happy. Those days, and more importantly those feelings, are not gone. They can easily be revisited. You don’t need a time machine; you just need a little creativity and the desire to date your spouse all over again. When you get back to dating, you’ll feel renewed and rejuvenated in your marriage. Passion will develop again, and no marriage can ever have too much passion.
Getting Back to the Beginning
How can you really start dating someone you’re already married to? You just need to use your imagination. One of the best ways to start dating again is to recreate your first date and any other memorable dates from the beginning of your relationship. For example, if you went out to eat, go to that same restaurant again. Remember what you talked about, and discuss how you each felt on that night. What were some of the first thoughts you had about each other? Visiting significant places from your dating past is a great way to get back to the beginning and date your spouse again.
Getting to Know Each Other Again
As the years pass by in your marriage, you may think you know just about everything there is to know about your spouse, and your spouse thinks the same of you. It’s true that you are very close and know a great deal about each other, but if you want to date again, you have to pretend that isn’t the case. On a date night, ask each other simple questions like you’d ask when first getting to know each other. What do you like to do for fun? What are your career goals? What’s your favorite food? Answering those questions will make you feel like you’re discovering each other all over again, and you might even learn something new!
Keep It Up
When you start dating your spouse again, hopefully it will be so fun that you want to keep doing it. While it’s always possible that another rut can occur, ward against it by making more of an effort to spend time together on regularly scheduled date nights. Try to just truly enjoy and cherish each other’s company.
Rhonda Grimes is a dedicated wife and freelance writer who lives in Las Vegas. She loves to give relationship advice and blog when she is not out enjoying the Vegas nightlife with her loving husband.
Photo Credit: rotraud_71