Health Magazine

Why Teens Lie And How To Deal With Them?

Posted on the 20 March 2023 by Women_tips @womentips2013

Raising a child through every phase has its own set of challenges. It can be a lot to deal with during the adolescent period and years of teenage. The hormonal changes in the body can impact the physical and mental development of the child. These changes will further affect the behavior and activities of the child. One such habit that a can develop is lying. Why do teenagers lie? Well, these can be the reasons.

To keep things away

Teenagers may keep things from their parents, including

Teenagers might be aware of their parent's reactions when they learn about certain acquaintances. To get away from the consequences of their parents knowing, they might keep it away from them. It is during the teenage years that they might develop feelings for others. They might not be comfortable or find confidence in opening up to them. These acquaintances can even be a result of peer pressure.

If they do not excel or meet the expectations set by their parents, they might want to lie about them making progress. It will come to the notice of the parents at some point in time, but they might continue with their claims till they can.

They can develop certain habits, like smoking, which they would consider best kept away from their parents. Keeping away things will lead to lying, as they will have to cover up the activity.

Teenagers have a few mentioned things to keep away from their parents. To go about their way, they will want to conceal their whereabouts.

Some of them might lack trust in their parents and might fear the consequences of letting their parents know of things. The lack of trust and holding them too much will eventually lead to a sense of suffocation. Strict parenting methods can sometimes detach children from their parents and break the belief that they have.


They might identify themselves as capable enough to deal with situations. The thought that they develop will not want their parents to interfere in what they think and do. It can be a reason why teens lie.

Rules imposed

To do what the parents forbid. It is a tendency that a person will develop when they are asked to stay away from something. The urge to try the forbidden and the don'ts of the rules will lead to lying.

No dangers

The teenager might feel that what they are up to is not so dangerous but might consider it a concern for their parents. Teenagers will lie when they feel compelled to do something they think is right. The attention they might get from their parents will keep them from letting their parents know of it.

Dealing with them

If you are wondering what to do if a child is lying, here are some things you can be mindful of:

If the teenager is lying, confront them and assure them. If they are confronted and kept under interrogation, it will pull them away from their parents and nowhere close. If they are yelled at or blamed for what they have done, that will lead to no betterment. Instead, they will continue doing it without the parents' knowledge.

If you are worried about how to get a child to admit they are lying, building trust is a way. Ensure that the child about the parent has their backs. Inculcate the confidence that they can approach their parents when in need. It will be a great step in keeping the child from lying and improving the bond between the parent and the child.

Have conversations with your child to know more about their feelings and to understand them better. Parents might have a notion that they know their children better than anybody else. But the child will evolve as a person that the parent will know only when they communicate with their child. It can be one of the ways parents can reduce teenage lying.

Seek help

If the behavior of your teenager continues, seek help. Book an appointment with a counselor, and have a conversation with your child in the presence of the counselor.

This blog hopes to bring awareness to why teenagers lie. Remember, whatever the child does, the parent and their parenting methods have a part.

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