Let’s face it: Starbucks just might be one of the smartest businesses on the planet. It totally understood what was happening in the working world when it blossomed into something spectacular and omnipresent. People were working longer, harder, and were busier than ever before, especially in corporate America, and it knew exactly what we needed, how to seduce us, sustain us, and how to give us extraordinary pleasure.
And I’m not talking about sex.
You may agree with me or disagree with me, but the truth is, coffee rarely disappoints and provides endless satisfaction.
When I go to bed at night, I often coax myself into grappling with the next day’s affairs by reminding myself that my day will begin with coffee; it will always be there. Savory and extraordinary, every cup. I’m also in love with my Keurig, as it provides me with my best cups of coffee. I am delighted every day to drink my cup of coffee, and even more satisfied because of my new Yeti that keeps my coffee hot the entire 35-minute drive to work.
It’s the little things, people.
According to Caffeine Informer, there are 19 solid reasons why coffee is good for you, and when I reviewed the list, I picked my top favorites as to why coffee doesn’t have to worry about our relationship. It wards off depression, fights Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, and Type 2 Diabetes. For those of you who drink too much (and I’m not talking about coffee here), it also can help protect against cirrhosis of the liver. If you’re not convinced yet of its benefits, a typical serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than grape juice, blueberries, raspberries, and oranges. Want to read more about it? Visit Caffeine Informer by clicking here.

While relationships can let you down, coffee rarely does. It does its job on most days. When I’m feeling a little sluggish in the morning and have to teach a class, my cup of coffee comes with me and helps perk me up. I am not alone in the endeavor during morning classes, as many of my students walk through the door with cups in their hands, either from Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, or our student cafeteria.
None of us are breaking up with our coffee.
So there you have it. While there are plenty of bad habits we can get addicted to in our lives, I won’t buy the fact that coffee is bad for us, as some may suggest, like a bad boyfriend.
And while, honestly, Starbucks isn’t typically my cup of tea (ah, yes, tea! Can we chat about that sometime soon, too?), I prefer the taste of Dunkin’s coffee or Panera’s coffee. I like to think we’re a team, coffee and I: it is created, I buy it, and it makes me happy.
Consumer heaven.
As I said in yesterday’s post, life moves pretty quickly, and we should indulge in certain things that bring us joy.
Coffee and I will be intimate for life.