It's Amazing What Can Save Your Life!
My life has been extraordinary! There is essentially nothing that I haven’t done, or tried, or partaken of.
Now I am a nearly 40 year old man, I am married, I love my wife very, very much, and we have been extremely blessed with one son.
But the state of my life today, is not the point, at least for now.
The current topic of discussion is my past. My life was rough, once I began to make my own decisions. I made many, wrong decisions, and landed myself in a world of places where I would like to say I didn’t belong, but unfortunately, back then the truth is that I did!
Could I go to AA or NA meetings, yes, I could.
Could I get a sponsor who has 25 years clean, but is still an asshole? Yes, I could also do that.
And while these meetings work for many, many people, they do not work for me, and yet I have been clean, sober, and happy for quite some time without them.
It is my philosophy that there are only three “principles” necessary, for an individual to adopt in order to stay sober and happy long term. 1. Maintain a SOLID spiritual program. 2. Practice RIGOROUS honesty, at all times, and 3. Write, on a daily basis, either an accounting of your day, or some other writing that reminds you, daily from where it is that you have come. I practice these three principles in my life on a daily basis, and that is why I am clean, sober, and happy, today.
So, Why do I write a new post on a daily basis?
Now you know.
This is the tool, that I use, so that I NEVER forget, what I was, what happened, and what my life is like today.
Without this tool, I run the GREAT danger of forgetting, and that, my friends, is something that I simply CANNOT afford to do.
I have sworn, yes, to my G-d, to myself, to, my wife, child, family, and friends, that THIS TIME, this time I am well and truly done.
And the only thing that would, or could make me break that oath would be my forgetting myself, the things that I have done to hurt others, to hurt myself.
If however, I write, and practice the other two principles, on as daily of a basis as I possibly can, I minimize my chances of relapse, Be”H to virtually nil.
And so I write…