I haven't posted anything since last year so I am officially making a comeback (of some sort).
Since last year blogging has been somewhat of a difficult topic for myself. I have had so may changes in my life since last year. I got married, new job and I am now the proud owner of a beautiful cat.
I sort of 'quit' blogging for the year and deactivated my blog because I feel that it's become somewhat of a competition. When I started blogging like years back (possibly 6/7 years ago?!) it was the most amazing thing. It was my time to myself and it made me forgot about any worries I had. It was like therapy. We had such an amazing blogging community who helped and supported each other. There wasn't any sort of pressure to have your blog in some sort of way or even what sort of content we posted about. Overall it was really great. I used to blog as a hobby and to be honest I did miss doing this last year. I hadn't had a lot of time to blog but more importantly I didn't want to anymore. I didn't enjoy it because it become such a competition and almost very bitchy. I have literally seen women change in the blogging community. I have seen people not support the people they used to help and I feel I just didn't want to be in that sort of environment. I have even experienced people not being able to go to blogging meetups because they'd have a low follower count. Who even does that.
When I look on YouTube or Instagram all I see is a follower competition or someone posting about how they have haters commenting or someone making a video about some sort of drama going on between bloggers or vloggers. If I ever scroll through the comments all I ever see is some sort of a comparison between bloggers or hateful comments.
All a little negative. I am certainly not saying that there are no bloggers who still help and support other bloggers. They deffo are all still here but I just wish things would change a little. Blogging has become a job for many people which I think is great but I do feel that bloggers who are only blogging as a hobby don't get much appreciation no longer.
But anywho, these are all just my opinions and that's all this is. I am certainly hoping to blog more and share many more beauty related reviews but also a lot more lifestyle posts too. Many changes to come soon.