Mom, I love ya.

I decided to write a blog to you, today, because you know of course, writing is how I express my love.
Nothing fancy, just writing to let you know that I appreciate you and all the special memories you have seeded into my life. They have yet allowed me prosper and gather a harvest of fruitful blessings.
One of the most memorable times I have with you mom has been when I was a little girl and having you tuck me into bed each night. What I remember most about those nights is the prayers. Your teaching me to pray has influenced my life in such a way that prayer is a way of life, for me. Life without prayer is life without breath, for me. I recall you telling me each night ( despite the chaos we were living in at the time), everything would be alright. I even remember you crying and telling me this some nights and God knows your faith lives on in me, because not only do I love to believe past beyond what I can see , feel and experience, I love to write about faith and believing as well. In fact, my very first book as an author this year is about believing and having faith.
Mom, the greatest example you have taught me in life has been to endure. to have faith and trust God. You did this, not only by showing me daily you believed, but you walked out your life before your children and your family, by being an example for what you believed.
Other times I found to be quite valuable was being able to enjoy holidays and birthdays and special moments like – coming from the dentist and eating cut up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because my teeth were too sore to chew. Or playing outside in the snow when I was freezing from head to toe and you gave me a cu of hot chocolate and it was all warm inside. Or the times I the Halloween parties where we bobbed for apples and dressed up at my parties. The faith you had to have them, despite my dad possibly coming in and making a scene, showed your courage to make sure your babies baby girl had a good time! Smile.
I sometimes hear my friends say: “Jennifer , you are so sweet!” Little do they know I have the BEST example , EVER. The merciful acts you provided during those tulmultuous, yet loving years, Mom gave me purpose and endurance. They helped me to notice the imprint of God’s hand upon your life. They increased my faith and made me the strong believer that I am today.
I remember the day you told me you and and I were going south for the summer, to be away for a while. I believe I was about ten years old. I really didn’t know what was going on, but Ma, our family was on the brinks. deep in your heart, you must gave been heartbroken to leave your older kids behind , taking the youngest (me) and choosing to step out on faith and believe God for a new experience for your family. That meant leaving your husband behind and starting anew. Daddy was in recovery, and he needed to determine how much he really wanted his family to thrive. But you stepped away so he could make that decision. And I am so glad you did.
These were formative years for me. These years are forever cemented in my mind as growth points. Purpose for families all over the world, today, is my mission in life. Your baby girl has been to Africa to fight for families and through mission work has given hope and encouraged hearts. Your decision to step away to save your family, cemented in my life a purpose to forever FIGHT for families to live. Amazing, Ma – how absolutely powerful one decision was, to step away and save your own family, became a mission for your children. I say children, because not only do you have me, working in the field of substance abuse and addictions to help save families ; you have Reginald, who was just hired by the state of NY to do his own Fatherhood and Mothers’ programs across counties all over New York; you have Darryl, who is a Captain in the Salvation Army and works to help families everyday; and Jeffery, who works with young people as a coach every season helping young boys find purpose and stress relief and leadership in the sport of football. Your children are stronger and closer today than they ever have been. They believe in family, purpose and love. They bind their hearts together to believe for THE GOOD of families all over the world. How powerful was your definitive statement of LOVE for your own family, indeed.
Mom, you “ have fought a good fight, you have finished your course, you have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give you at that day: and not to you only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” 2 Tim. 4:7, 8
Thanks Ma, for your statement of love and courage. Your Red Sea Situation was undoubtedly a struggle but a testament of what the redeeming purpose of God’s love can do for a family and do to sustain a family. Your love taught me what was right, what was wrong, and much about my worth and value. Your love purposed my destiny.
Of course there are many other reasons why I love you, but these are central to who I am today and what makes me the person who I am today living the purpose which I live, today.
Thank You Mom, I love you.
P.S. Thanks for making me go to Sunday school , even when I didn’t want to every Sunday. It laid an excellent foundation. Smile.