When doing a photo shoot for a new listing recently the sellers asked why we were taking so many pictures. The home wasn't that big, why take so many pictures? Isn't less, more?
Yes... and no. You want neat, clean rooms free of clutter, but what buyers want more than anything when they are searching online is lots of pictures and video. And your pictures better look good, because buyers don't like what they see they likely won't be coming to see your home!

You have likely heard that kitchens and baths sell homes... it's true. And if buyers don't see pictures of those two rooms they wonder why... and often jump to the conclusion it's because they are in bad shape. Bathrooms are often difficult to photograph because they are so small, but don't overlook including them in your photos... even if it's in the basement and you don't think it is anything special. Make it look good... it could make a difference in whether or not a buyer comes to see your home.

When staging a home de-cluttering is the mantra used over and over again. Clear out... then clear out again... and again! However, as Shar talked about last week the little things do matter... and sometimes adding some accessories to make a room 'pop' is just what is needed.
Clean... stage... and include photos!
Sharlene Hensrud, RE/MAX Results - Email - Minneapolis Realtor