Visit Ancient Wonders France isn't all about high-culture and fashion. It also plays host to some of the earliest examples of culture. Prehistoric cave art to be precise. If you're visiting the Dordogne region, you may want to stop by at the famous Lascaux II cave. The Lascaux II cave is a recreation of the original - and priceless - Lascaux cave found in the region. The original Lascaux cave was discovered by a bunch of teenagers looking for their dog. But it has been closed since 1963. Apparently, it's too valuable for anyone to enjoy. As a result, Lascaux II was built and has been open ever since. There are also other sites dotted across France, including the Abri de Cap-Blanc and the Grotte de Font-de-Gaume. These sites play host to some 800 cave drawings of bison and deer, horses and even little fish.

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