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Whoops – Ireland Accidenatlly Legalizes Crystal Meth and Ecstasy For A Day…

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yahoo reports that Ireland has scrambled to pass a new law to reverse the effect of an appellate court decision that reportedly accidentally legalized crystal meth and ecstasy.  Part of the problem arose because this type of “undelete button” law requires a day to officially go into effect.

3 More Things We’d Like To See Ireland Accidentally Legalize

1. Unlimited free U2 albums on every Apple device, whether you want them or not… (it’s free stuff, not a “creepy invasion of privacy, people. It’s not like Bono knows where you are located and is singing Without or Without You directly to you just because it was electronically sent to you for free.)

2.The ability to change laws immediately instead of waiting a day. Seems like a good idea where people are accidentally changing laws.

3. Automatic citizenship for Jesse Pinkman. Someone has to be a spokesperson for all this meth, right?

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