Got a crazy/awesome idea you wanna share with the world?
Or a bunch of cool people?
Sometime in November?
While following a 20 seconds X 20 slides format?
The next Pecha Kucha night (wanna read more about Pecha Kucha? Click HERE, or maybe you wanna read about one of our previous posts of Pecha Kuchas past? (hehe, see what we did there?) Click HERE) will be held in November but the committee is accepting applications till mid October so get applying! Like, now.
Never been to a Pecha Kucha? Wondering what it’s like? Well every one is different but it sorta goes something like this:
Excited? Good.
So are we. We really wanna hear about your awesome ideas/projects/initiatives. We want you to shout it out to the world!! (In 20 slides, at 20 seconds each)
Your next step? Email [email protected] or [email protected] and we will send you the guidelines.
Yes there are guidelines and they are super important so please email us immediately.