Elizabeth and the Catapult, think about it, for just a second. What a great band name, seriously. They were in Toronto this week to open two shows for The Franklin Electric at The Drake Underground. Being completely honest, I'd never heard of E. and the C. before last night. Is it because Elizabeth Ziman is a Brooklyn musician and not local? I don't know but, now I can't un-hear her and that's a very good thing. Elizabeth won me over wholly and completely. Her voice, her lyrics, her personal interactions with the audience. All of it. She was a spectacular surprise.

Today, I find myself, searching the internet for everything I can find on E. and the C. and listening to her music. It's so good. Fun and funny, serious and sad, relatable, hopeful and honest. Her latest release, " Like It Never Happened", is up for three awards in the Independent Music Awards.
Friday night had Elizabeth playing piano, guitar and singing up a storm. She charmed the hell out of us with her between song banter and as I sit here writing this, I'm listening to her YouTube version of "Ry-ry", her "based on a true story, ode to Ryan Gosling. You've gotta listen to it!
An independent artist, who's gone the label route and is currently doing things on her terms, Elizabeth Ziman is someone we should all be listening to. Don't take my word for it, go follow her links and see for yourself. In the singer/songwriter, indie folk category we recommend Elizabeth and the Catapult
Elizabeth's Links