Golf Magazine
The above sport shirt contains either 0.1% excrement or 0.1% carcinogenic.
Which would you prefer to wear?
It may seem frivolous to ask you to choose between a very small amount of excrement or cancer causing substance in your sports shirt. But perhaps it does highlight that even a very small amount of an unpleasant substance can change perception of your sport shirt.
Personally I’d prefer to wear the sport shirt without any carcinogen next to my sweating skin. Unfortunately it is a fact that adults and children’s modern synthetic sports shirts do contain very low doses of carcinogen(s); it’s just that sportswear brands prefer not to tell you.
Each sport shirt can contain upto 30 toxic chemicals according to official 'restricted substances lists' prepared by leading sports brands and unseen by consumers.
Golf Refugees are calling for the removal of all cancer causing substances and hormone disruptors from sports apparel.