Family Magazine

When You’re Done …

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Cycling is not really my sport. Yawn. But even from within the bubble of my own little non-pedal world I see that it has been very much in the spotlight, and in not such a good fashion. Naughty, naughty boy Mr Armstrong!

When you’re done …

I’ll come clean (pardon the pun) and say upfront that Lance Armstrong is someone who’s story I have not really followed and so my understanding of him is limited. I do know now though, as does the entire world, that his fall from grace has been swift, sour and very public. He’s been a cheat, he’s been caught out, he’s been called on it and yet he is still neglecting to admit his wrongdoing. Why?

Is he embarrassed? Is he arrogant? Does he actually believe his spun web of lies?

Possibly we will never know the motivation for his actions (and really is the ‘why’ Joe Blow’s business anyhow?) or the reason for his denials but one thing it does is open the opportunity for discussion. It’s an inroad to talking with our young people about such concepts as the vulnerability of human nature; that when you’ve been caught out there is a scrap of dignity in ‘fessing up; that cheats never prosper, and that even the most seemingly impressive sportspeople are human with the same susceptibility to temptation as the rest of us.

Last night, the people in suits who make the big-money decisions about all things on two wheels were manipulating the news with their press release stripping Armstrong of his numerous Tour titles and removing the pedestal from beneath him. It wasn’t riveting television but it had me thinking that regardless of whether or not you have a keen interest in current affairs, bicycles or men in tight lycra maybe, just maybe, this chance to promote personal accountability and integrity might create some future winners as a result. What do you think?

It’s Tuesday! So, again I’m linking up with Jess from Diary of a SAHM and IBOT!

Check it out!

When you’re done …

photo credit: Big Grey Mare via photopin cc


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