Community Magazine
Dating Dad advice from single dad, Brian Gallagher
Romantic dinners, spontaneous lunches, picnics in the park, wine andcheese on the front porch at dusk, long walks and the occasionalbreakfast at the neighborhood diner. These are the dates you lookforward to with a dating dad, none of which are kid friendly nor doesa kid want to be the third, fourth or fifth wheel (in my case) at anyof these dates. What to do? Where to go?
Your date choices will vary by age and will vary by taste. I can'teven begin to narrow down some suggestions so I'll keep it generic.All kids like to eat and most are picky. All kids have a favoriterestaurant and you won't pick the right one. All kids like sportingevents but probably not the one you want to go to. All kids enjoyparks but most don't like bugs. All kids like music but not the kindthat you do. All kids like museums but will sprint through them andyou won't see what you went there to see. All kids like movies butwon't sit through the one you want or the one you suggest as acompromise. All kids like the mall but won't want to be seen hangingout with their dad and his girlfriend.
My suggestion...let dating dad decide and you act like wherever you goand whatever you do is Disneyland (or wherever you think is awesome).The point of the first family date is that you be honestly excited tobe there because it is where the kids are the most comfortable.Dating dad picked this place because it will allow you to see how theyoperate on their turf and how they behave in public which can often bea completely different personality depending on the kid. Take thetime to soak up their conversation with their dad and see what kind ofparent he is out in public. This relationship is important to witness'in the wild' so that you can talk with him later about parentingstyles and how you can compliment him as you two move forward.
If your dating dad can't make up his mind on where to go, suggestbowling. Kids like bowling. The bowling alley nachos, pizza, footfungus from rental shoes, fingers getting squished in between bowlingballs, loud music, flashing lights, getting mad from throwing gutterballs and the slippery floors are all things kids love to experience.On second thought bowling is a bad idea. If he chooses a poor firstfamily date you should pull the kids aside and say "I'd have taken youto <insert name of place they've been saying all night they wanted togo> but your dad chose this instead. Maybe next time." Sucking upto his kids is always a good idea.