Lifestyle Magazine

When Less is More — a Beautiful Essex Country Wedding Film

By Claire

Sarah & Steveo from Philip Smith on Vimeo.

Sarah and Steveo’s wed­ding film is no excep­tion, and I thought I’d try and make you cry too this morn­ing. It’s so lovely — Steveo’s speech will have you smil­ing and then sur­prise you into tears. With thanks to Philip Smith Visu­als for shar­ing this gor­geous wed­ding film with us all today, and con­grat­u­la­tions and huge thanks to Sarah and Steveo for shar­ing details of the wed­ding too! (See below)

wedding film essex by Philip Smith Visuals

Our wed­ding 10/11/12

140 guests cel­e­brated our tra­di­tional style wed­ding with us. Every­one gath­ered at my home church of St. Peters in Great Totham, Essex for the cer­e­mony fol­lowed by our recep­tion at a barn con­ver­sion 3 miles from the church where we had a cham­pagne recep­tion with canapes fol­lowed by a tra­di­tional wed­ding break­fast, speeches and a disco.

Whilst plan­ning our wed­ding we never wor­ried about small details.

When it came to the venue we found less was more.

When we booked the recep­tion venue we were offered all man­ner of items such twin­kle twigs and chair cov­ers with rib­bon bows to dec­o­rate the room with but we pre­ferred the room with its exposed beams to be less accessorised.

For each table we opted for can­dle sticks each hold­ing 6 tall can­dles with flow­ers at the base of long stems. We couldn’t believe how beau­ti­ful the room looked with just our dec­o­ra­tions on white table linen.

Locally sourced wed­ding flowers

One of our pri­or­i­ties was to source as many parts of the wed­ding as locally as pos­si­ble. The florist, a local friend, knows the church inside out and knew exactly how best to set it off with our choice of flow­ers. She had also done the flow­ers for my sister’s wed­ding sev­eral years ago and I knew I could trust her entirely.

We really saved a lot of time and deci­sion mak­ing by putting our con­fi­dence in her and trust­ing that she would deliver with­out supervision.

Trust­wor­thy and rep­utable wed­ding suppliers

We think key items of the day worked so well because all of our sup­pli­ers on the day had worked together pre­vi­ously which meant that the dif­fer­ent parts of the recep­tion gelled perfectly.

Of course for some items it’s really not so cru­cial where you source them. Don’t be afraid of check­ing out the super­mar­kets, we bought case loads of half price wine and very good bub­bles from Tesco online, and our cake from Marks and Spencer’s was dec­o­rated with flow­ers by the florist and cer­tainly looked more impres­sive than it’s hum­ble price tag would suggest!

A per­fect wed­ding and very happy guests!

We couldn’t have dreamed for our day to go any bet­ter. The key things we really wanted to get right were the peo­ple we invited, the food and the booze and from there all the sim­pler details fell into place lead­ing to a great day for both us and our guests.

When less is more — a beautiful Essex country wedding film

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