Happy New Year!
I hope you had a good one – I got over excited in the Strained Parrot on New Year’s Eve. £10 a ticket, finger pork pie buffet and carafe of Bulgarian Cabinet per person. Great Value.
Still suffering now though. The rash is back with a vengeance and I reckon the Bulgarian Cabinet has accelerated my annual bout of the Norovirus. Shirl’s had to break out the emergency air freshener as a result of my stomach’s disposition.
Whilst on the pot I read that most people set unrealistic New Year’s resolutions that mean they are bound to fail. Inevitably.
Things like being able to run a marathon, pack up the fags, drink less or do all those jobs round the house that have been in the pipeline for years.
So for this year I have set my limits a little lower to avoid disappointment. Inevitably. I will aim to;
- See my penis for the first time in five years whilst standing without the aid of a mirror.
- Reduce my rash by at least a third
- Fix the wardrobe doors (one squeaks and the hinge on the other is a bit wonky as me and Shirl sought passion in 1997 to overcome an argument about the squeaky one – put me back out as well).
Oh yeah and to be happier.
You can read more of Bob’s musings whilst on the pot here and here. Your lives will be infinitely richer for doing so.