For those of you who don't know, I decided to go the community college route instead of attending a four year college right after high school.
What do I mean by the community college route?
So, basically, when you go the community college route, is when you take all of your general education at a 2 year school, and then you transfer to a four year college(university). By the way, community colleges are 2 year schools, but most people, including myself, usually transfer after 3+ years, depending on your major and also how far you place on your placement exams.
Anyways, so, my goal was to transfer this fall to San Francisco State, but unfortunately, my GPA dropped dramatically after fall 2014. Why? Well, lets just say that 2014 was probably the toughest year for me, and I didn't pass 3 of my classes. Soooooo, yeah, I'll have to take a few more classes to raise my GPA, & I hope to transfer next fall.
Yes, I know that was a long ass back story lol, but I had to fill you guys in. So, the purpose of today's post is to share with you guys a four schools that I am planning on applying to for next year. I am applying to SF State again by the way.
1. San Francisco State University

2. Louisiana State University

3. University of Houston

4. University of Louisiana at Lafayette

As you guys noticed, I am only applying to schools in or near Louisiana, beside SF State because that's where I currently live. My reason is because I have to consider the distance I have to go in order to attend a school; that's why I'm only applying to one school in California. I've learned that before you start attending a school, you are encouraged to go and take a tour of the campuses, and also attend orientation where you can add your classes and settle into your dorm room(if you are living on campus). I'm not going to apply to a school in New York, for example, because I can't afford to either drive of take a plane down there for both the orientation & the school semester. I'd rather apply to schools that are no more than 5 hours of driving distance, so that I can get to do all of those things and save more money!
I'm pretty happy with my choices because they all offer majors including Fashion Merchandising & also Gender Studies!!! Yes, I am going to be a double major.
Now that I picked my schools, I can begin making sure that I am taking all of the right classes that'll satisfy each school.If you guys have any questions about applying for colleges or just anything related to college, feel free to comment below and I will do my best to answer them. Also, if you guys have any recommendations for schools, I am very much open and I will do research on those schools.