“The fact is, we’re not going to blow teams away right now playing short,” Beane said. “It’s more frustrating when you’re losing and you can’t explain it, but we knew when we starting losing those guys that we had a challenge ahead of us. It doesn’t make me happy, but I understand why it is happening. We’re going to have to hope the rest of division treads water.” –Billy Beane
The 2015 Oakland Athletics’ season has all the elements of a fireworks display– first, the excited anticipation, then the spectacular show, a near deafening explosion, and finally, silence. As of this writing the team has lost six in a row and are currently residing in the cellar like a red-headed step-child. They lead the league, in a pathetic display, with errors…32. (2nd baseman Eric Sogard, by himself, has 3 errors. In contrast, Mark Ellis, he of the same position had a grand total of TWO in 123 games in 2006.)
We shouldn’t be so surprised to find the ancient spirit of Pythagoras in our modern ballparks. The world is now conceived in a quantitative way than ever before…it is seen as constituted by numerical magnitudes.
— Coco Crisp came off the D.L. and perhaps showed his age or lack of passion. He is 0 for his first 21.
— The bullpen is stinkier than diarrhea on a hot tin roof in a Southern summer. They are 2-10 with a 5.18 ERA.
— Drew Pomeranz is is proving why the Rockies gave up on him so early; even as a promising “bonus baby.” He is the poor man’s Kenny Rogers….a very, very poor man from a third world country.
KC fans and their desperate attempt to stay relevant in the baseball world.
Sure, there have been injuries and a bit of bad luck. Baseball is by definition the epitome of bad luck.
Here are a few of the most exciting things to happen to the Oakland ballclub during this season so far: Brett Lawrie sliding into an over-rated Alcides Escobar, prompting fans in Kansas City to make the shirts on the right…
and two teammates standing next to each other in an unfortunate and funny display of the baseball gods coming together and dangling the proverbial losing yarn in your face.
this is exactly why I always aim for the tits.
Does that sum up the baseball season so far for the Oakland Athletics? In my humble opinion, yes. The rest of the baseball world laughs hysterically….and then ex-Giant Pablo Sandoval hits a game winning home run for the Red Sox in the 10th inning. I curse, shrug my shoulders and fall into a slumber.
what does that feel like?
Semen in the eye.