At least a couple times a month, I get a comment or message suggesting that I know not what "Zen" really means, that this page isn't very "Zen," and that I should change the name.
As it comes up so often and I very rarely address it, I thought I'd give one pad answer here and let it stand.
I never set out to create a Buddhist page. I am not Buddhist. I am not religious at all, though I do have a great respect for other religions with which I am familiar and not familiar. I find them interesting, but not for me. Everyone seems to have their own definition of Zen. I believe some are coming from a place of strict religious definition. Some are coming from a place of emotion. I'm coming from the place of an English teacher. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, Zen "...asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition." Yup, I know what it means and I think that fits me and this page perfectly.
When I get the "Tsk, tsk...that's not very Zen" comment, it's generally because it's a strong post, a post on which I've taken a stand. Nothing is going to either camp. I'm always going to post the tough stuff, because it's the stuff about which education is truly important. And others are always going to be miffed by that and try to get me to stop posting it by appealing to what they think will get at me most. It doesn't. It won't. It's OK. By posting those things, I'm attempting to get someone out there to reflect, to contemplate on their actions and beliefs, to listen to their intuition rather than all the other static they're hearing. Seems pretty "Zen" to me.
As for changing the name, nah. I don't want to. First of all, changing the name on four pages, a blog, bumper stickers, and logos would be a massive pain in the buns. Secondly, I see no reason to do such a thing. As is evidenced here, the page is completely "Zen." Does that mean I'm perfect? Nope. Does that mean I'm a Zen goddess? Not a chance. Does that mean that I won't ever have to get tough, direct, and stern? Negatato, Mr. Roboto. What it means is that I am a person who constantly contemplates and reflects upon my own beliefs, my own actions, and the beliefs and actions of those in the world around me. I am one who follows my intuition as a result of experience in not doing so in the past and noting the successes of doing so. Mine is a page that follows those principles, as well. Whatever else some wish it to be, that's cool. It's not. This is what it is. And you know what, I'm quite pleased with it. It's a work in progress, to be sure, but it's one of which I am proud.