Lifestyle Magazine

What People Think I Do: Jewelers Edition

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

Well readers, we’re rapidly closing in on the weekend, and we figured a dose of levity might be just the ticket to tide you over until you can finally shout “TGIF!” Have you seen the new meme “What People Think I Do?” We’ve seen hilarious examples for med students, gamers, bloggers, programmers, and doctors – but where’s the love for the jewelers? We decided to resolve the issue by creating our own handy chart:

what people think i do, jewelers, raymond lee jewelers, boca raton, south florida, diamonds, watches, P. Diddy, jacob the jeweler, marylin monroe, jewelry, loupe, engagement ring, diamond ring, engagement rings, jewelry customers

What do you think – is this accurate? And fellow jewelers, let us know if you got a chuckle out of this.

Liz for Raymond Lee Jewelers, your source for pre-owned luxury watches, diamond jewelry, luxury estate jewelry, and designer jewelry.

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