- On discovering your/my blog they think we are ashamed about what we do. Yes, it is a little awkward but most definitely not shaming. Blogging is cooler than talking nonsense on twitter about eating apples, idek.
- We all are healthly, clean-eating freaks. No. We are more likely eating a mountain of chocolate, cake and anything sweet over salad. We only post healthy food on Instagram to disguise our high-calorie lifestyle.
- We are all filthy rich. Nope. We all shop in Primark.
- We are all eloquent writers, nope not always.
- Hair and make-up is always on point - Never ever happens. #perksofwingedeyeliners
- We always throw some sort of reference to the blogging world. Naaah potato pictures on Instagram are more of a conversation starter than bloggy bloggy things.
- We are all cheats and liars to make people buy things from shady brands, never ever would I.
- We all want to work in the fashion, business, beauty industry.
- Blogging is easy. Nope not always, countless times I have been on bloggers block.
- We all got high grades academically. Not always the case, blogging is a hobby not an academic record.
Fashion Magazine
I think people think we as bloggers/vloggers aren't equal. I think people believe we think we are the superiority of the internet. Basically this post will list things people think about us which aren't necessarily true.
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