Fitness Magazine

What Kind of Person Would You Be Without Running?

By Nicoleao @momfever

thinkingSometimes I wonder: ‘What kind of person would I be if I hadn’t discovered running?’ Probably curled up somewhere in foetus position, sucking my thumb. Or doing a Glenn Close, listening to scary opera, and switching the lamp on and off, on and of, on and off, before going off to boil some hapless bunny.

I believe it is no wonder that running is making a name for itself as very effective therapy to treat, among other things, depression. I once heard it said: ‘I’ld rather take Adidas and Nike than Prozac.’Now I’m not saying running will solve all your problems, and sometimes medication is definitely needed, but running is bound to make you better and will at least put things in perspective.

Personally I have never regretted going out for a run. I have however regretted having that second Big Mac, or that third chocolate Easter Bunny…

What kind of person would you be without running?

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