Business Magazine

What Kind of Marketing Leader Are You?

Posted on the 09 January 2013 by Marketingtango @marketingtango

Do you know what kind of marketing leader you are? Wanna find out? The Chief Marketing Officer Council (CMOC) can help.

As part of its Succeed by the Way You Lead professional development program, the CMOC is offering a free online assessment called the 4P Leadership Footprint Audit. Developed by marketing leadership expert Thomas Barta, the online questionnaire takes less than 15 minutes to complete and provides immediate feedback via email in the form of an individualized report.

The test is based on proven models for leadership success and the advice of over 100 board-level executives. Assuming you answer all the questions honestly, the test will assess your marketing leadership skills and inherent abilities in four key categories:

  • Purpose:Having a clear purpose and constantly refreshing it by fully understanding yourself, your customers, your own products and your industry.
  • Pull:Being able to attract and mobilize people around a common goal.
  • Power:Being able to achieve the implementation of your ideas within an organization, with support from top management and very strong teams.
  • Productivity: Managing for strong results in order to achieve your goals, including outstanding team leadership and marketing skills.

You have nothing to lose by taking the assessment… and you might learn a few things about your leadership style and whether or not there is room for improvement! Click here to take the assessment.

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