Have you ever given any thought to how much a school aged child will cost you when they are back to school? With the rising costs of school uniforms, essential equipment and the increasing pressure to have the latest laptop or phone the new term can put real pressure on your finances.
BrightHouse has surveyed more than 3000 parents of primary, secondary and college age students to discover how much they typically spend on preparing their children for a new school year and have created the Cost of Going Back to School interactive animation.This is a very interesting animated chart that I would like to share with you. So far I have spent over £100 just to buy new school uniforms and shoes for my children. Unfortunately I could not pass on Mr K's old uniform to Ms C when she started reception early this year. So I had to buy new sets of dresses for her. In fact, I am part of the astonishing 43% of parents who spent more than £50 on each child.Also this Summer I gave my old tablet to my children for them to learn and write Chinese characters on a Chinese app and send emails to my family in Singapore. Luckily, we won't need to spend any money on stationery as they are provided in school. Overall, I have spent over £100 for both children which is not that bad at all. Does that make me a savvy mum? Do check out the animation chart!Disclosure: This is a PR collaboration.