Community Magazine

What is Normal

By Survivingana @survivingana

define normalAs the mother of two high functioning asperger children, I found the diagnosis of ‘normal’ for children so narrow and so unforgiving. Many mothers have found this across the board in many areas. The diagnosis of what is normal shrinks and it appears that most of us sit on the outside of ‘normal’.

Eating disorders is another area that normal gets confused. It is actually easier to say what IS NOT normal. The reason for this is that many industries tell us that it is normal to be thin, normal to exist on so many calories, normal to diet, normal to be underweight. The eating disorder itself distorts true normal anyway. Denial or rewriting normal is what the eating disorder will do – it skews your whole perception of normal.

I thought that instead of listing what is normal behavior I would make a clear list of what is not normal. Stop the denial, stop the perverting of truth so you can start to hopefully see just how the eating disorder is controlling you.


  • to exist on 1200 or less calories a day
  • to have a food/weight diary that is minute in detail that you are obsessed about filling in (a recovery food diary is different to this)
  • to have rules about food
  • to have strict routines, utensils or plates to eat food
  • to want to isolate yourself when it is meal time
  • to weight yourself every day (or more)
  • to feel guilty if you don’t exercise to the extreme each day
  • to feel guilty  (or worse) if you ate food
  • to have a list of good and bad foods
  • to have fears of certain foods
  • to feel fat, worthless, ugly, useless, stupid if you eat
  • to have a very real fear of weight gain
  • to feel depressed or worthless to the point of wanting to disappear
  • to think the only way to happiness is to be thin
  • to think that your thighs shouldn’t touch
  • to think your ribs (hips or collarbones) should clearly show through your skin
  • to restrict liquids (this is so dangerous – seriously)
  • to suddenly be vegetarian, lactose/gluten intolerant, vegan when there is no diagnosis or life commitment
  • to be cold all the time
  • to be in pain, weak, tired, dizzy or have heart palpitations
  • to think recovery means you are eating a tiny amount of  food not starving completely
  • to be addicted or obsessed with any kind of behavior that consumes you all the time
  • to be intensely black and white (or rigid) in your thinking and approach to all areas of life (including food)

Got more…. Send them to me. I know the list can be added to.

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