Image by Menage a Moi via Flickr
Here’s what I believe – and what some other great thinkers believe –
What WE believe is what happens to us – and what we believe is discovered by our language use.
So the lesson today is that if you say something is so – you are pretty much making it so –
We can help ourselves and those around us by brining limiting belief phrases to the surface with four little words – If YOU say so.
Listen to hear someone using phrases like,
“That will take me a long time.” – if you say so –
“I’m so slow at that….” If you say so –
“This is going to be an uphill battle!” – If you say so –
What if we shifted it –
“Things happen fast around here.” – if you say so
“That’s going to be easy to learn” if you say so
“This is going to be a piece of cake!” if you say so –
When you go into any situation and you expect good things – you create good things – BECAUSE YOU SAID SO!
Remember, you create your day by the way you think! Make it magnificent!
Blessings, Shawna