Community Magazine

What I Will Not Share

By Survivingana @survivingana

What I won't share

To all those who want information for school projects, media blogs, uni projects:

I will not share or comment on:

  • my daugher’s lowest weight
  • pictures of her at her worst
  • a detailed state of her fingers nails, hair or other physical attributes
  • how eating disorders affect your looks
  • my daughter’s detailed list of safe foods or fearful foods
  • BMI weight for either my daughter or make suggestions for your BMI
  • the words healthy, beauty, inner beauty, protein diets, fresh diets
  • dieting or food tips
  • what are better foods or healthier foods to eat


  • it takes the focus of just how dangerous and devasting eating disorders (particularly anorexia) are
  • it diminishes eating disorders to the physical and superficial
  • it is not helpful or useful for recovery or media intake
  • sends the wrong message about foods, health, body weight etc.
  • eating disorders are not an illness about food or weight
  • there are far, far more devasting consequences and ill health from having an eating disorder than your nails, skin, hair etc
  • there are no good or bad foods

However, I will share:

  • the real body and mind breakdowns that occur (did you know the uterus thins out to almost paper and only thickens once the body is repaired and periods start – just learnt that)
  • how incidious, manipulative, dangerous and all consuming eating disorders are
  • that it is an illness of the mind that affects all genders, cultural and social areas
  • that physical health and healing comes when a varied and wide food range is eaten
  • the long lasting effects of eating disorders are those under the skin: the mind, behaviours, organs, bones, teeth, reproductive system, endocrine system …
  • what research has been done and how much more needs to be done
  • what resources (including financial) are not being funnelled into eating disorder areas
  • how eating disorders affect families and relationships
  • recovery and healing that encompasses all areas of an eating disorder.

I have met some wonderful people who are creating great stuff, from documentaries, short films, very informative and balanced websites. But others still have a lot to learn about eating disorders. These are the ones I want to grow and stretch in their ideas of what an eating disorder is really all about.

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