Health Magazine

What Does DET Mean in Training?

Posted on the 05 July 2017 by Gareth Jones @tutorcare

The Diploma in Education and Training (DET) has now replaced the Diploma in Teaching in the Life Long Learning Sector (DTLLS) qualification in the UK.
The DTLLS was a qualification that was designed for anyone planning to become a full teacher (or working as) in further, continuing or adult education.
The DET qualification that has replaced it is effectively an “in-service” qualification and is available at dedicated training centres across the UK or via e-learning at

The new courses include modules such as “Preparing to teach”, “planning and progressing learning”, “enabling learning and assessment”, “managing behaviour” and “Curriculum planning”.

The DET / DTLLS course will take approximately one year to complete with delegates being assessed through a serious of observations and assignments.

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