Different colors have a huge impact on our moods sometimes without us even noticing the changes -
Yellow is the color of happiness, sunlight, laughter and optimism -Yellow has the power to bring out creativity -The right shade of yellow can lift your spirits and evokes friendliness-
Green the color of nature - Green is calming and is associated with generosity and peace-
Blue is relaxing, and it balances the mood -Pink - There is a reason why the cells of some of the most dangerous criminals are painted pink, it has been shown to calm aggression - Pink evokes warmth and love -
Red is the symbol of energy and life- It evokes strength and power -
Purple is the color associated with wisdom and sophistication -
So what color is your mood today ?All my clothes were thrifted except for the Docs which I purchased retail
Have a great weekend Ladies!
My follow up exam went well at the hospitalGood old cervix is looking swell these days!