Life Coach Magazine

What Are You Praying For?

By Shawnaschuh
Praying Hands

Image by C Jill Reed via Flickr

Thomas Arnold once said, “Real knowledge, like everything else of the highest value, is not to be obtained easily. It must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and, more than all, it must be prayed for.”

Praying for knowledge? Is that something I’ve ever considered before? Have you?

Somewhere along life’s path I heard that most people only pray when they are in trouble, promising God anything for help and then forgetting all about it when things shift to the good.

The quote today brings up a better way to live. “Like everything of the highest value…”

It must be:

Worked for…

Studied for…

Thought for…

And – Prayed for…

These four actions – may be the clearest direction of all. Are you doing them?

Remember You Create Your Day by the way You Think! Be Present!

Go make it a Magnificent Day!

Blessings, Shawna

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